10 most amazing college festivals and events
Every single person who has been to college knows the importance and the rage of a fest. While these fests are a fun quotient, it also forms a platform of exposure. While most fests are cultural based, there are fests based on arts and management as well.
Here are some of the most amazing college fests around the world.
1. CollegeFest, Boston
CollegeFest is one of the famous college fests in the U.S.A. It’s organized since 1980’s and attracts over 50,000 individuals from 35 different universities. A perfect mix of music, entertainment and arts keep it running for two full days.
2. M.I, India
M.I (Mood Indigo) is probably the star of the 10 best college fests around the world. M.I, being the annual fest of IIT Bombay attracts a population of approximately 90,000 belonging to around 700+ colleges. M.I has emerged as the top fest in colleges in Asia.
3. ASB Polyfest, New Zealand
The largest Polynesian festival, ASB Polyfest has been on since the 1970’s. This fest runs with a purpose to induce pride and awareness of various cultures and to bring them closer.
4. Santa Fe Spring Arts Festival, Florida
The Santa Fe Spring College acts host to this festival concentrated towards art and craft attracting close to a whopping 1.3 lakh individuals. This is a famous college fest which attracts over 250 artists.
5. Fiesta San Antonio, Texas
St. Philip’s College of Texas hosts the Fiesta San Antonio fest since the late 1990’s. The fest portrays the college as the most diversely rich college in terms of its ethnic composition.
6. Summer’s Best Music Fest, Pennsylvania
Do not miss SBMF if you are a music lover. Shop while you enjoy the music and you would be doing a great deal of good for the young musicians of the State College.
7. Downtown Brooklyn College Fest, USA
Organized by the students of DBC, you get to see top artists performing along with mouth-watering food and come college spirit.
8. Harvard Arts First Fest, USA
You find Harvard University hosting this large scale fest on just arts. If you are an art lover, you will find the work of 6000 participants pretty fascinating.
9. Rendezvous, India
Emerging as the top fests in colleges, this is second in the 10 best college fests in India. This fest held by IIT Delhi attracts popular Indian actors and artists along with 350 colleges all over India.
10. Merlefest, North Carolina
Now this is a fund generating fest for the Wilkes Community college which hosts a 4 day long music fest and attracts a population of 80,000 or more.
While it can be observed that the general motto of any fest is to have fun, you can see the organizers incorporating a few extra feathers on the cap such as a traditional aspect or fund raising, etc. So, fests are not all to do with just fun. Get out there and explore as many fests as you can and you might end up developing a new interest or doing something good in the process.
Most Amazing College Fests
college fests names
college fests in USA
college fests in UK
college fests in Asia
themes for college fests
Sushmita Ghangas [ B.Sc. Hons. in Biotechnology ]
I – seems like the complete universe has been revolving around this single alphabet since forever, the easiest question with the most complicated answers. Answers that we could go on searching for ages... (too philosophical, eh?)
Well, 'I' find mine in being a freelance writer from Chandigarh, India, quirky girl who likes to look outside of the box, loves food & animals, and is a pro at being awkward. Always wanting to get more out of life and make the most of it!
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Most Amazing College Fests
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college fests in USA
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Author Bio – Sushmita is an implicit blogger and a veracious writer who fuels her desire for writing with her contributions in various niches.
10 most amazing college festivals and events
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